I'm not sure why, but for some reason not all of my pictures loaded on to this site. I'll try and load the rest on now. Enjoy! :)
This is my Quebecois history and culture class. We're missing a guy named Jack, but otherwise that's everyone!
The church on a very foggy day. Almost ominous!
'Is it a boy or a girl?' 'It's beer!' - during the Rally around Trois-Pistoles
The cinema animateur, Valérie, at the art expedition in Rimouski
An interesting section of the museum - there were hundreds of little photos backlit so that you could properly see them. Unfortunately, I was too short for a few of them!
We came one night to a little surprise - our host dad Laval left us each a bar of chocolate for doing well on his quizzes. I love my host family :)
That's all for now. Expect more photos in the future, as well as our animated film! It should be online next week some time :)
